
bbq sauce

Here is a recipe for a sweet bbq sauce using the pepper sauce recipe in the previous post. I wanted to find another way of using the same sauce in another recipe and I had some pulled pork, so this is what came of it. The sauce is sweet and serves as a perfect background to the delicious pork. I’m not a big fan of sauce that is so strong that is overpowers the flavor of the meat.

There are a ton of ways to slow cook pork or beef until it just falls apart. I recommend a crock pot. You just add the meat with about a cup of water, set it on low, and 8-10 hours later the meat will be perfectly tender. Just monitor it after seven hours to see the progress. You can also use the oven at 275-300 for about 5-8 hours depending on the size of the roast. The key is to get a meat thermometer and reach an internal temp of 170 for pork.

Sauce Recipe:

  • 1 cup sweet pepper sauce (you could also use apple sauce or tomato puree)
  • 1/4 cup ketchup
  • 1/3 cup brown sugar
  • 3 tablespoons molasses
  • 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon paprika

Simply add ingredients to saucepan and simmer on medium-low heat for 5-10 minutes. Add to slow cooked meat, and you’ll be happy.

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